Latin Lover

I have an obsession with everything Latin nowadays, but I especially love Latin music and Spanish language. I have been learning it, ever so slowly and... yes, lazily, lackadaisically... I listen to Latin stations on my XM-Radio, and songs prompt me how the language works. I even had a Latin lover for a while, soon after having moved to California. It was not meant to last, but it gave me a glimpse into one man's psyche ...
Even if people don't fully belong to one another, they can still give and receive love. Love is never wasted, it is never without a meaning.
I want to speak Spanish fluently some day. I think that the only way one really learns the language is by spending some time in the country where it is spoken... Or, from Latin lover:)...
I go back and forth between my latinones and living here in USA (saying it in Spanish). I learned English here but I also had helped from lovers... I think the best way is move to the country and have a lover there...
Eve, yes, you propose the optimum solution:)Which country, do you think, I would love the most? I suspect that I will feel good wherever I travel.
The music really turns me on. I must have some Latin genes:) You're lucky to have such origins.
I think we are enriched by all we've been through, and where we come from, being able to integrate it and form a new entity - as, I am sure you did.
Well with your previous name of Gypsy I see Spain... somewhere in the south where you have the Morocan influences.. Why not?
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